2026 Letter of Intent - EAST Multicenter Trial Junior Investigator Award
Thank you for submitting your Letter of Intent (LOI) for the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma (EAST) Multicenter Trial Junior Investigator Award. The award amount is $10,000 for one (1) year only and is intended to support the development of outstanding proposals by a junior clinical scientist. Please note that outlined projects must be completed within five (5) years of multicenter trial enrollment. All Letters of Intent must be submitted by May 13, 2025 for consideration.
The EAST Multicenter Trial Junior Investigator Award is to assist a junior primary investigator to successfully conduct and publish a multicenter trial assembling data from five or more centers which seeks to answer an important and novel question. Once answered, this question raised in the practice of trauma, acute care surgery or surgical critical care which will change or significantly affect the care of injured or critically ill patients. The award will begin on July 1, 2026. The period of the award is for one (1) year. It is currently funded through a grant from EAST. All Letters of Intent will be reviewed by the Multicenter Trials Committee, along with the Chair of the Research-Scholarship Committee and the Research Division Chair who will judge the proposals on the basis of merit and the potential of the applicant for future contributions to change or significantly affect the care of injured or critically ill patients. The investigators of the top ranked LOIs will be invited to submit full proposals by July 31, 2025. The Multicenter Trials Committee, along with the Chair of the Research-Scholarship Committee and Research Division Chair will review the full proposals in September 2025 and select the final awardee for presentation at the 2026 EAST Annual Scientific Assembly. All applicants for this award must identify an EAST member to serve as their mentor or sponsor to support their application.
The application instructions (rules and regulations) for the EAST Multicenter Trial Junior Investigator Award can be found here.
Please complete all information being requested. Incomplete proposals will not be considered. Please note, all applicants must be i) members of EAST and ii) an American or Canadian citizen or permanent US resident.