Leadership & Governance
EAST is led by a voluntary Board of Directors, guided by the organization’s Exempt Purpose, Mission, Vision and Core Strategic Goals.
Profiles of the board members are available on the Leadership page.
Assisting the Board of Directors are strategic Divisions comprised of Committees and Task Forces.
(A) Division of Education;
(B) Division of Member Services;
(C) Division of Patient Care and Resources;
(D) Division of Professional Development;
(E) Division of Publications; and
(F) Division of Research.
For information about EAST's six Strategic Divisions, the committees, and task forces within each Division visit the Governance page. You may go to Rosters to see a list of Divisions and current Committee members.
EAST conducts an annual Call for Volunteers in the summer. If you are interested in serving on an EAST Committee or Ad Hoc Task Force, complete the online Call for Volunteers form by the deadline. Look for the Call for Volunteers email notification sent to all EAST members and complete the online form by the deadline. You must complete the online form to be considered for an appointment. Appointments for the next volunteer year will be finalized in November; an email communication confirming your appointment for the upcoming year will be sent to you.