EAST Minute

Got a minute or two for a great resource? Check out the EAST Minute! Fast-paced educational and career development programs for busy trauma providers.  Easy to watch, retain, and share.  

The table below organizes the EAST Minutes by Categories and release date (most current first):

Landmark Papers
Literature Review
Multicenter Trials
Practice Management Guidelines

EAST Minute-EGS EAST Minute-EGS-Emergency Repair of Ventral Hernias: Strategy and Priorities for Abdominal Closure So you've reduced and resected the strangulated bowel in a hernia... Now what? Dr. Alistair Kent reviews the EAST PMG and current literature. Tough case, lots of options... This EAST Minute is a nice review of the literature.  November 18, 2020
General Introduction to EAST Injury Prevention Dr. Leah Tatebe, provides a tutorial on injury prevention. Focus on ways to See something, Say something, and Do something through Research, Advocacy and Prevention! February 10, 2022
General How has the Affordable Care Act Changed Outcomes in Emergency General Surgery Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery: May 2018 - Volume 84 - Issue 5 - p 693–701 Authors: Dr. Jay J. Doucet and Dr. Laura N. Godat. Moderators: Dr. Jonathan Meizoso and Dr. Jason Weinberger  July 15, 2018
Landmark Papers Landmark papers-EGS: Fast Track Pathway provides safe, value based care on a busy Acute Care Surgery Service

Dr. Marc Trust, Assistant Professor of Surgery at the University of Texas, Austin reviews the benefits of the fast track pathway in the management of acute cholecystitis. Lets learn how to provide value based care.

Paper: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33306603/

November 15, 2021
Landmark Papers Landmark papers- EGS: Open Abdomen - Vacuum pack technique of temporary abdominal closure: a 7-year experience with 112 patients.

Dr. Melissa Boltz, Assistant Professor of Surgery at Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, reviews the initial use of vacuum pack closure in damage control laparotomy and how to MacGyver one using the Barker technique!

October 12, 2021
Landmark Papers Landmark papers - EGS: Umbilical Hernia - Is mesh always necessary in every small umbilical hernia repair?

Dr. Melissa Boltz, Assistant Professor of Surgery at Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, brings us another EAST Minute! We learn more about repairing umbilical hernias - Do we always need to use mesh? Let's find out!

September 17, 2021
Landmark Papers Landmark Papers - EGS: DCL Fascial closure rate after open abdomen with vacuum and mesh-mediated fascial traction Dr. Melissa Boltz, Assistant Professor of Surgery at Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, brings us another EAST Minute! We learn more about closing open abdomens with the mesh mediated fascial closure technique. See the the EAST DCL Landmark Papers including the one featured in this video - https://bit.ly/2XFC9gG August 19, 2021
Landmark Papers Landmark Papers - EGS: Management of umbilical hernias associated with hepatic cirrhosis and ascites Dr. Melissa Boltz, Assistant Professor of Surgery at Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, brings us our next EAST Minute! She is discussing a classic paper on the management of the dreaded umbilical hernia in patients with cirrhosis and ascites. July 19, 2021
Landmark Papers Landmark Papers - EGS: Necrotizing Pancreatitis Dr. Jessica Burgess, Associate Professor of Surgery at Eastern Virginia Medical School, brings us our next EAST Minute! She is answering all the key questions of managing Necrotizing Pancreatitis - Antibiotics? Step-Up? Scope? Surgery? June 29, 2021
Landmark Papers Landmark Papers - EGS: Mesh OR Patch for hernia on Epigastric and Umbilical Sites (MORPHEUS-Trial): the complete two-year follow-up Dr. Melissa Boltz, Director of Emergency General Surgery at Penn State, brings you a review of the two year follow up of the MORPHEUS-Trial part of EAST'S Landmark Papers on Management of Umbilical Hernias. June 14, 2021
Landmark Papers  Landmark Papers-EGS-GroinPain Trial Chris Dente brings you a great review of EAST Landmark Papers on the GroinPain Trial . May 26, 2021
Landmark Papers Landmark Papers-EGS-Diverticulitis Dr. Zach Wariner, Assistant Professor of Surgery from the University of Kentucky Chandler Medical Center presents a great review of the management of acute diverticulitis! May 4, 2021
Landmark Papers Landmark Papers-EGS-Appendicitis-CODA Collaborative Dr. Crisanto Torres, Acute Care Surgeon at John Hopkins, creates an EAST Minute reviewing “A Randomized Trial Comparing Antibiotics with Appendectomy for Appendicitis" by the CODA Collaborative.  April 9, 2021
Landmark Papers Landmark Papers-Acute Cholecystitis Drs. Tom Shoultz and Rondi Gelbard collaborate to bring you an outstanding review of EAST Landmark Papers on Cholecystitis - all in 3 minutes! February 26, 2021
Landmark Papers Landmark Papers-Open Abdomen-Who Should We Feed? Dr. Melissa Boltz, Director of Emergency General Surgery at Penn State, does a great review “Who should we feed? Western Trauma Association multi-institutional study of enteral nutrition in the open abdomen after injury.” February 20, 2021
Landmark Papers Landmark Papers-Mesh vs Suture Repair of Umbilical Hernias in Adults Umbilical hernias 1-4 cm: mesh vs primary repair? Great review by Dr. Melissa Boltz. January 7, 2021
Landmark Papers Landmark Papers-DCL with DCR: A Survival Advantage Excellent review by Dr. Melissa Boltz, Director of Emergency General Surgery at Penn State, on the EAST Landmark paper "Damage control resuscitation in combination with damage control laparotomy: a survival advantage." December 14, 2020
Landmark Papers Landmark Papers-Damage Control Laparotomy, Part 2 Dr. Melissa Boltz, Director of Emergency General Surgery at Penn State, creates an EAST Minute reviewing Dr. Diaz's next Landmark Paper...Part 2. December 7, 2020
Landmark Papers Landmark Papers-EGS in Bariatric Surgery Patient had bariatric surgery 2 years ago… Now the patient is in my ER. What should I look for? In this EAST Minute, Dr. Andrea Pakula from the EAST Emergency General Surgery Committee reviews the EAST Landmark Papers about bariatric issues in EGS. Common problems but diagnosis can be tricky. December 6, 2020
Landmark Papers Landmark Papers-Damage Control Laparotomy, Part 1 Dr. Melissa Boltz, Director of Emergency General Surgery at Penn State, creates an EAST Minute reviewing Dr. Diaz's Landmark Paper- perfect for review on your way to a Damage Control Laparotomy… Part 1. November 30, 2020
Landmark Papers Landmark Papers-Small Bowel Obstruction How many sunsets? Gastrograffin challenge? Laparoscopic approach? Who should admit- surgeons or internists? Find the answers here! Excellent review by Dr. Jessica Burgess from the Eastern Virginia Medical School. Find all the recommendations from the EAST Landmark papers on management of small bowel obstructions November 16, 2020
Landmark Papers Landmark Papers-Large Bowel Obstruction In this EAST Minute, Dr. Lauren Tanner reviews EAST Landmark Papers on Large Bowel Obstructions, specifically right and left-sided LBOs. Will this change your mind about stenting?  July 13, 2020
Landmark Papers Landmark Papers-Peptic Ulcer Disease Listen to this review of the Landmark Papers on Peptic Ulcer Disease available on the EAST Landmark Papers Resource. March 25, 2019
Landmark Papers Landmark Papers-Cholangitis In this brief tour-de-force review, Dr. Alejandro Betancourt offers up the important points from the EAST Landmark Papers on cholangitis management. Visit the EAST Landmark Papers page. January 7, 2019
Landmark Papers Landmark Papers-Choledocholithiasis Dr. Alejandro Betancourt reviews the EAST Landmark Papers about management of common bile duct stones. In 3 minutes, you get the take-home messages from some of the most important papers published on this topic.  January 4, 2019
Landmark Papers Landmark Papers-Umbilical hernia in cirrhotics Dr. James Bogert reviews a manuscript from the EAST Landmark Papers list on suggested management of umbilical hernia in patients with cirrhosis and ascites -- a difficult clinical question. Are you following the recommendations laid out in this paper in your own practice?" November 29, 2018
Landmark Papers Landmark Papers-Diverticulitis In this EAST Minute Video Dr. Shaikh Hai reviews Landmark Studies: Primary Anastomosis or Hartmann's Procedure for Perforated Diverticulitis. November 16, 2018
Landmark Papers Landmark Papers-Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infection Dr. Rondi Gelbard reviews the EAST Landmark Papers on Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infection. Get up to speed in 2 minutes! August 13, 2018
Landmark Papers Landmark Papers-Clostridium Difficile In this EAST Minute, Dr. Rondi Gelbard reviews the EAST Landmark Papers on the topic of C. Diff colitis management. In roughly 2 minutes, you can be up to speed on the best C. Diff papers as determined by the EAST EGS committee. August 7, 2018
Landmark Papers Landmark Papers-DIVERTI Trial-Management of perforated diverticulitis What should we be doing for patients with complicated diverticulitis? In just over 4 minutes, Dr. Kevin Schuster from the EAST Emergency General Surgery Committee summarizes the findings from one of the papers on the EAST Landmark Papers Resource July 5, 2018
Literature Review  Literature Review-INVECT Trial Dr. Uzer Khan from Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh, PA, reviews the recent data from the INFECT project.  July 25, 2022
Literature Review Literature Review-Facial approximation with sequential abdominal closure of the open abdomen 100% fascia closure. In this EAST Minute, Dr. Melissa Boltz reviews the EAST Landmark paper by Cothren et al. showing how this group closed every patient with a difficult abdomen after DCS. Another cool technique to have in your tool kit! October 16, 2019
Literature Review Literature Review-Transfusion strategies in UGI Bleeding In this EAST Minute, Dr. Erica Loomis reviews the EAST Landmark Paper by by Villanueva C. et al. titled, "Transfusion strategies for acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding." May 29, 2020
Literature Review Literature Review-Transfusion in Gastrointestinal Bleeding (TRIGGER) Trial In this EAST Minute, Dr. Erica Loomis reviews the EAST Landmark Paper by Jairath v. et al. titled, "Restrictive versus liberal blood transfusion for acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding (TRIGGER): a pragmatic, open-label, cluster randomised feasibility trial." May 29, 2020
Literature Review Literature Review-Too many non-therapeutic laparotomies in trauma This EAST Minute from the EAST Minimally Invasive and Emerging Technologies Committee reviews a landmark study on non-therapeutic laparotomies. Dr. Andrea Pakula provides the review. February 14, 2020
Literature Review Literature Review-Enteral feeding in patients with open abdomen A review of this paper on the effect of immediate enteral feeding on trauma patients with an open abdomen: protection from nosocomial infections.  February 11, 2020
Literature Review Literature Review-Serial facial closure with PTFE  What should I do when I can’t close fascia on my damage control patient? In this EAST Minute, Dr. Melissa Boltz reviews the EAST Landmark Paper by Vertrees et al. about an interesting technique from the Military using PTFE mesh as a serial fascia advancement technique to avoid planned ventral hernia. October 16, 2019
Literature Review Literature Review-Vacuum-assisted facial closure after open abdomen You’ve done damage control surgery, now what? Should I use a VAC, Bogotá bag, Whitman patch, or what? In this EAST Minute, Dr. Melissa Boltz reviews the EAST Landmark Papers by Miller et al. concerning the use of negative pressure dressing as temporary abdominal closure. October 16, 2019
Literature Review Literature Review-The tension-free hernioplasty (Lichtenstein repair) Dr. Alistair Kent reviews the EAST Landmark paper: Licthenstein hernia repair. You’ve done this repair countless times — now you can see the paper that made surgeons change their practice. August 21, 2019
Literature Review Literature Review-#EAST4ALL EAST Landmark Papers-Equity August 20, 2019
Literature Review Literature Review-Omitting Biliary Tract Imaging Bilirubin is up slightly — do I have to do a cholangiogram? In this EAST Minute, Dr. Jessica Burgess from the EAST Emergency General Surgery Committee and Dr. Jeremy Juern from the EAST Online Education Committee review an EAST Landmark Paper about omitting biliary tract imaging in patients with lab evidence of CBD stones. Will this change your practice? August 12, 2019
Literature Review Literature Review-APPAC Trial In this EAST Minute, Dr. Ali Cheaito examines the APPAC trial, a landmark RCT comparing antibiotics to appendectomy for acute uncomplicated appendicitis. Is the carbapenem mightier than the sword? June 7, 2019
Literature Review Literature Review-"Damage Control": An approach for improved survival In the EAST Minute, edited by Dr. Joe Catino, Dr. Melissa Boltz reviews the classic paper on Damage Control Laparotomy in trauma patients by Rotondo, et. al. This paper is probably the most-cited publication of the benefits of damage control principles, which became the predominant paradigm for severely injured trauma patients during the 1990's and persists to this day.  May 29, 2019
Literature Review Literature Review-The STITCH Trial In this EAST Minute Video, edited by Dr. Jonathan Parks, Dr. Alejandro Betancourt reviews the STITCH Trial -- Will he convince you to use smaller fascial bites on your abdominal closure?" May 29, 2019
Literature Review Literature Reviw-Endoscopic or Surgical Step-Up Appoach In this EAST Minute, Dr. Kevin Schuster reviews modern management of necrotic pancreatitis, specifically the landmark paper from Lancet 2018 regarding endoscopic debridement compared to absurgical “step up” approach. May 15, 2019
Literature Review Literature Review-Watchful waiting versus Surgery for Inguinal Hernia This EAST Minute reviews the EGS Paper on EAST's Landmark Paper Resource April 7, 2019
Literature Review Literature Review-Initial Cholecystectomy with IOC Dr. James Bogert reviews an EAST Landmark Paper on the management of choledocholithiasis. Still ordering MRCPs? This might convince you otherwise. December 7, 2018
Literature Review Literature Review-Depression and PTSD among patients with non-neurological injuries Dr. Christine Ramirez reviews, "The prevalence and treatment of depression and posttraumatic stress disorder among patients with non-neurological injuries," by TM Bell et al. November 28, 2018
Literature Review Literature Review-The impact of age on innate immune response and outcomes after severe sepsis/septic shock in Trauma/SICU patients Dr. Uzer Khan reviews "The impact of age on the innate immune response and outcomes after severe sepsis/septic shock in trauma and surgical intensive care unit patients" by Brakenridge et al . October 25, 2018
Literature Review Literature Review-Transfer status: A significant risk factory for mortality in emergency general surgery patients requiring colon resection Dr. Martin Zielinski reviews "Transfer status: A significant risk factor for mortality in emergency general surgery patients requiring colon resection" by DeWane et al. September 14, 2018
Literature Review Literature Review-ACS COT Survey of Firearm Injury Discussion of Kuhls DA et al. Survey of American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma Members on Firearm Injury: Consensus and Opportunities.  April 23, 2018
Literature Review Literature Review-Beta Blockers in Critically Ill Patients with TBI Dr. Joseph Farhat breaks down the highlights of this paper published in the February 2018 issue of the Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. March 27, 2018
Multicenter Trials MCT-Pearls and Pitfalls Facilitating the successful execution of high volume Multicenter Trials (MCTs) is an important initiative of EAST. Drs. Scott Brakenridge and Brandon Bruns provide helpful and important pearls and pitfalls of MCTs. November 13, 2018
Multicenter Trials MCT-Blunt Cerebrovascular Injury In this EAST Minute Dr. Patricia Ayoung-Chee reviews Dr. Margaret Lauerman’s EAST Multicenter Trial on Blunt Cerebrovascular Injury. Think you might be interested in participating? Check out this review to see if your center might be a good fit.  July 13, 2018
Practice Management Guideline PMG - Management of Rhabdomyolysis

EAST conditionally recommend aggressive IV fluid resuscitation (UOP 2-3 mL/kg/hr) for the treatment of rhabdomyolysis. EAST recommend against the use of bicarbonate or mannitol.

June 12, 2023
Practice Management Guideline PMG-Management of Retained Hemothorax

EAST conditionally recommends the use of pigtail catheter over tube thoracostomy for simple hemothorax. EAST conditionally recommend VATS over thrombolytics for retained hemothorax. EAST recommends early over late VATS for retained hemothorax

May 15, 2023
Practice Management Guidelines PMG-Evaluation and Management of Blunt Cerebral Vascular Injuries

EAST recommends the use of screening protocols to detect BCVI, especially in high-risk patients. The use of antithrombotic therapy should be used for the treatment of BCVI.  EAST recommends against the use of endovascular stents for the treatment of grade 2 and grade 3 injuries. PMG http://bit.ly/3nn0BQT

March 27, 2023
Practice Management Guideline PMG-Management of Penetrating Intraperitoneal Colon Injuries

EAST recommends repair or resection & anastomosis in low-risk patients who experience penetrating colon injuries.  EAST conditionally recommends against routine colostomy in high-risk patients undergoing damage control laparotomy after penetrating abdominal trauma with colon injury. PMG https://bit.ly/3k7xcsD

February 23, 2023
Practice Management Guideline PMG-Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Trauma and Emergency General Surgery: An Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma systematic review and meta-analysis

EAST conditionally recommends for the expansion of Medicaid expansion policies for trauma and EGS patients.  No recommendation can be given regarding Medicaid expansion and its impact on trauma systems. PMG https://bit.ly/3IlRPLd

January 3, 2023
Practice Management Guideline PMG-Antimotility Agents for the Treatment of Acute Noninfectious Diarrhea in Critically Ill Patients

EAST conditionally recommends the use of loperamide and diphenoxylate/atropine in critically ill patients with acute noninfectious diarrhea. See the PMG https://bit.ly/3i3m2UP

January 2, 2023
Practice Management Guideline PMG-Management of Acute Appendicitis in Adults EAST is unable to recommend for or against antibiotic-first as the primary treatment for acute appendicitis.  EAST conditionally recommends routine interval appendectomy after nonoperative management of appendiceal abscess or phlegmon. See the PMG http://bit.ly/3F3Ajbx December 5, 2022
Evidence Based Review PMG-EBR-Prevention of Firearm Violence Through Specific Types of Community-Based Programming EAST Conditionally recommends both Gun Buyback and Community-Based Programs for prevention of firearm violence. See the EBR https://bit.ly/3tPdH6R September 16, 2022
Practice Management Guideline PMG-Surgical Management of Pancreatic Necrosis Dr. Toby Enniss from University of Utah School of Medicine in Salt Lake City, UT reviews the EAST Practice Management Guideline for the Surgical Management of Pancreatic Necrosis.  PMG: https://bit.ly/3otxrgg July 25, 2022
Practice Management Guideline PMG-Pediatric Neurological Exam The rescue guide to the pediatric neuro exam in the trauma patient.  Thank you, Dr. Karen Lidsky from the Pediatric Trauma Society. https://pediatrictraumasociety.org/  October 6, 2020
Practice Management Guideline PMG - Alcohol-related trauma reinjury prevention with hospital-based screening in adult populations Unaddressed alcohol use among injured patients may result in recurrent injury or death. Many trauma centers incorporate alcohol screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment for injured patients with alcohol use disorders, but systematic reviews evaluating the impact of these interventions are lacking.  April 7, 2020
Practice Management Guideline PMG-Pre-hospital Spine Immobilization in Penetrating Trauma GSW? Cervical collar placed pre-hospital? Can I take it off??? In this EAST Minute, Dr. Michael Anstadt reviews the EAST PMG on spinal immobilization in penetrating trauma. January 8, 2020
Practice Management Guideline PMG-Timing of Debridement for Necrotizing Soft Tissue Nasty soft tissue infections, necrotizing soft tissue infections (NSTIs). Everyone hates them. In this EAST Minute, Rondi Gelbard reviews the EAST Practice Management Guideline on timing of operative debridement of NSTI. October 17, 2019
Practice Management Guideline PMG-Contact Sports Related Concussion Dr. Toby Enniss presents this EAST PMG about sports-related concussion prevention. There is a lot of information out there on this topic — many thanks to Dr. Enniss and his co-authors for breaking this down systematically. Thanks to Dr. Joe Catino from the EAST Online Education Committee for helping produce this video.  September 13, 2019
Practice Management Guideline PMG-Pediatric Pain Management Injured child? Is he in pain, or just scared? Both? What do I give? How much? Kids make me nervous! Help! In this EAST Minute, Dr. Ann Bacevice takes the mystery out of treating injured children’s pain. Covering narcotic, non-narcotic, and non-pharmacologic options in less than 4 minutes, this concise review is definitely worth your time. July 1, 2019
Practice Management Guideline PMG-Clostridium Difficile Associated Disease Wondering what the evidence shows for C. difficile-associated disease (CDAD)? Dr. Vijay Jayaraman reviews the EAST PMG about CDAD -- when to operate and what to do. It's like a week on the colorectal service, condensed into 3 minutes! Read the PMG  January 6, 2019
Practice Management Guideline PMG-Small Bowel Obstruction Dr. Alejandro Betancourt from the EAST EGS Committee reviews the EAST Practice Management Guideline on the Evaluation and Management of Small Bowel Obstruction. Great EAST information shared in less than 3 min. August 7, 2018
Practice Management Guideline PMG-Blunt Aortic Injury, Evaluation and Management Learn about the EAST PMG Evaluation and Management of Blunt Aortic Injury in an EAST Minute by Dr. Red Hoffman. May 11, 2018
Practice Management Guideline PMG-Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis In this EAST Minute, Dr. David Morris reviews the EAST PMG on Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis using a visual flash card. Read the EAST PMG: bit.ly/3UESpGm March 18, 2018
Practice Management Guideline PMG-Open Fractures,Prophylactic Antibiotic Use In this EAST Minute, Dr. Kyle Litow reviews the EAST PMG on Prophylactic Antibiotic Use in Open Fractures. Read the EAST PMG here: bit.ly/3BeDtb5 March 18, 2018

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EAST Minute - Surgical Management of Pancreatic Necrosis