Interested in research? EAST offers a number of different opportunities to collaborate with fellow members on research projects through the Multicenter Trials or INVEST-C programs.
You can also apply to one of the many research scholarships and awards that EAST offers. Not sure where to start? Check out video interviews with recipients of the EAST Trauma Research Scholarship, the EAST Multicenter Trials Junior Investigator Award, and the John M. Templeton, Jr., MD Injury Control & Violence Prevention Scholarship.
Are you looking for research resources from past Annual Scientific Assemblies? Visit the Research Warehouse page below.
Pictured: 2023 EAST INVEST-C Research Hackathon participants
Explore Research
EAST Multicenter Trials
The main goal of the EAST Multicenter Trials program is to facilitate the design and execution of multicenter projects. In this capacity the EAST Multicenter Trials Committee enables researchers to collaborate with other centers.
Interviews with Research Scholarship & Award Recipients
Find video interviews with recipients of the EAST Trauma Research Scholarship, the EAST Multicenter Trials Junior Investigator Award, and the John M. Templeton, Jr., MD Injury Control & Violence Prevention Scholarship here.
EAST INVEST-C "Research Hackathon"
INVEST-C provides research mentorship, research design assistance, multicenter collaborations, statistical support, and editorial services using a combination of EAST members and other resources.
Coalition for National Trauma Research
The Coalition for National Trauma Research seeks to enhance trauma research by: advocating for sustainable research funding commensurate with the burden of disease, coordinating research efforts across professional organizations that span the continuum of injury care, and strengthening the infrastructure for multicenter investigation.
Research Related Surveys
Special circumstance request for surveys that have a high utility to the broad research community and are in alignment with the EAST Exempt Purpose, Mission, and Strategic Goals will be considered and reviewed by the EAST Research-Scholarship Committee. These surveys will only be considered if being submitted by an EAST Committee or Task Force.
Research Warehouse
Find research resources from courses and workshops held at past Annual Scientific Assemblies.
Research Support Letter Requests
As approved during the January 2022 EAST Board of Directors Meeting, EAST nor the EAST Research-Scholarship Committee will no longer review research support letter requests from individual members or nonmembers.