Call for Volunteers for 2025 Committee and Ad Hoc Task Force Appointments

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

The call for volunteers for EAST Committees and Ad Hoc Task Forces for the 2025 year is open!

Submit by September 8, 2024 (member sign in required)

EAST has identified strategic areas of focus for which volunteer service opportunities will be available for members.  Appointments to the various volunteer service opportunities will be made by the EAST President. Although there are a limited number of positions available for volunteer service, EAST makes every attempt to appoint those who return a volunteer form by the deadline to a volunteer service role within the organization. Your first choice may not be possible but we will work to appoint all who completed the online form for a volunteer service opportunity within EAST however, an appointment cannot be guaranteed. The deadline to submit your online volunteer form for the 2025 volunteer year is September 8, 2024. Please contact the EAST Administrative Offices at or by phone at 312-202-5508 if you have any questions. Please read/review the volunteer services opportunities document before submitting your volunteer form.

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