Dr. Alisa Savetamal, Dr. Monty Littlejohn
Featured Mentoring Family
Left: Dr. Alisa Savetamal (Mentor), Right: Dr. Monty Littlejohn (Mentee)
Read their testimonials below.
Dr. Monty Littlejohn (Mentee):
About my mentor:
I joined EAST in 2019 as a surgical critical care fellow, hoping to network and simply become part of this national organization of young trauma surgeons. It quickly turned into much more than that. When I applied to the mentorship program, I wasn't sure what to expect. As an only child, I valued the one-on one attention from my family. What would my mentor family look like?
I soon got word that my mentor was the director of the Burn unit in Bridgeport CT, which was the previous home to two of my favorite attendings! Despite our busy schedules, we were able to find time to talk, text and email with regularity. Not only did Dr. Savetamal made herself available to me for career advice as a new attending, but also shared my love for burn surgery. I believe this match was chosen with the foresight and specificity that typifies EAST. I am currently a trauma and acute care surgeon, practicing burn surgeon, and husband...which is perhaps the most important job of them all. Our first and most revisited topic of conversation during our checkins...how to balance it all. Thank you Dr. Savetamal , and thank you EAST for creating this perfect mentoring family (again...an only child!).
Dr. Alisa Savetamal (Mentor):
Being an EAST mentor this past year has been wonderfully rewarding. While COVID has gotten in the way of in-person meetings, Monty and I have nonetheless had great discussions about burn and trauma and the challenges and opportunities of a burn/ACS career. I was certainly the recipient of tremendous mentorship and sponsorship as a young surgeon, and I'm glad to have the chance to share my experience and whatever "wisdom" I have!
Statements posted are those of the Mentor and Mentee and do not represent the opinions of the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma.