Dr. Kimberly Davis
Thank you to EAST Past President Dr. Kimberly Davis for supporting the EAST Development Fund!

Donor Story
I have supported the EAST Foundation, and now the EAST Development Fund for over a decade. In my mind, supporting the EAST Development Fund is supporting the very essence of EAST: advancing science, fostering relationships, and building careers.
Many a young investigator has used Development Fund monies to get preliminary data, resulting in more significant national extramural funding. The Templeton award has promulgated injury prevention research and outreach dissemination. The Dodgeball Tournament supports camaraderie in a relatively “safe” space and breaks down walls between Active and Senior EAST members. And the Leadership Workshops have fostered skills in many junior trauma surgeons who have gone on to be leaders in their fields.
If you believe in the mission of EAST, you must believe in the importance of the Development Fund. Please donate and help us to support the growth and development of the next generation of trauma surgeons.
To learn more about EAST Past President Kimberly Davis, MD, MBA, FACS, FCCM and connect, please visit the EAST Member Directory from your EAST member profile.
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