Dr. Brian Yorkgitis
Recipient of the 2018 EAST Multicenter Trial Junior Investigator Award

As a recipient of the EAST Multicenter Trial Junior Investigator Award, I believe in the value of paying it forward to EAST because of its mission: advancing science, fostering careers, and building relationships. EAST’s investment in young trauma surgeons helps to springboard their career through mentorship and support of their academic pursuits. The return on the investment is exponential; the research performed by recipients of EAST funding improves the care of the injured patient while they blossom into the next generation of trauma leaders. What other investment can you make with such a guaranteed return?
Multicenter Prospective Observational Study of Trauma Patients on Antiplatelet Agents
The EAST Multicenter Trial Junior Investigator Award is funded through contributions to the EAST Development Fund. To learn more about this award, click here.
To hear from other recipients who have benefited from contributions to the EAST Development Fund, visit the Scholarship & Award Recipients page.
Help continue to support the work of deserving recipients working to change the future of trauma care by donating today.