Practical Points for Advancing Your Professional Career.
Welcome to the EAST Careercasts. The Careercasts are a series of audio interviews with leaders in the field designed to provide you with practical information regarding career development, leadership and career challenges.
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How to Choose an Acute Care Surgery Fellowship and What Should You Expect Once You Get There - Careercast #35
- 06/30/2017
In this EAST Careercast, Dr. Rob Behm talks with Dr. Addison May from Vanderbilt University. Dr. May discusses the various components of a fellowship that an applicant should consider when choosing a program. Drs. May and Behm also talk about the expectations of an Acute Care Surgery fellow and how to be successful in this next step of training.
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International Rotations for United States Acute Care Surgery Fellows - Careercast #31
- 05/22/2017
In this careercast, Dr. Gregory Peck from Rutgers University interviews Dr. Marc deMoya from the Medical College of Wisconsin and reviews the establishment of international elective opportunities in education and training for US fellows within acute care surgery fellowships. Dr. Peck reviews with Dr. deMoya some background and recent advances regarding the materialization of such opportunities, and briefly touches on the 2016 American Association for the Surgery of Trauma formal approval process.
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How (and why) to Become a Surgical Critical Care-Certified Emergency Medicine Physician - Careercast #30
- 05/08/2017
In this Careercast, Dr. Stefan Leichtle talks with Dr. Jay Menaker from the University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center about how emergency medicine physicians can become board-certified in surgical critical care, and why they should consider pursuing this unique career.
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The Ins and Outs of Applying for a Surgical Critical Care Fellowship - Podcast #29
- 04/25/2017
In this Careercast, Dr. Stefan Leichtle talks with Dr. Bill Chiu from the University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center about everything applicants for a Surgical Critical Care Fellowship need to know. Highlights include an explanation of SAFAS, the SCC and ACS Fellowship Application Service, a discussion of what's important in a CV and personal statement, and how to be a competitive fellowship applicant.
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International Applicants to US Acute Care Surgery Fellowships - Careercast #27
- 03/28/2017
In this EAST Careercast, an open discourse between Dr. Juan Carlos Puyana and Dr. Gregory Peck, highlights some of the details and challenges to providing International Fellows education and training opportunities in US Acute Care Surgery Fellowships. Given the deficit of Acute Care Surgery education and training globally and the consequential perpetuation of Global Emergent and Essential Surgical burden, the goal of this EAST Careercast is to serve as an introduction for International Fellow applicants and US Program Directors to continue a difficult but necessary discourse. Establishing mechanisms for International Fellows to participate in US education and training fellowships is timely.
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