Other Transport - Bicycle Safety
- Enhancing trauma registries by integrating traffic records and geospatial analysis to improve bicyclist safety.
- Doucet JJ, Godat LN, Kobayashi L, Berndtson AE, Liepert AE, Raschke E, Denny JW, Weaver J, Smith A, Costantini T.
- J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2021 Apr 1;90(4):631-640.
Rationale for inclusion: Unique utilization of geospatial mapping and incident reporting to identify hot spots of bicycle-motor vehicle collision accidents. Tracking of additional risk factors that may help in injury prevention.
CAVEAT: Trauma registry study, single center, retrospective. Only able to track patients based on home address which only associated people based on a large group.
Citations - To review the number of citations for this landmark paper, visit Google Scholar.