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EAST Town Hall Debate – Clearing the C-spine based on CT scan Only - Best Practice or Dangerous Precedent? - Podcast #65
Election season is upon us…Drs. Schuster and Stassen (EAST president) face off with Drs. Patel and Skinner! The experts debate the merits of cervical spine collar clearance based on CT alone in the obtunded patient. This debate is based on the EAST 2015 PMG (link below). Audience members called in and pressed our experts for answers to difficult questions. Who won the debate…click “PLAY” and find out. Stay tuned for the next Traumacast!
Drs. Kevin Pei and Matthew Martin served as moderators for this debate.
Supplemental Materials
EAST PMG - Cervial Spine Collar Clearance in the Obtunded Adult Blunt Trauma Patient