Benefits for Mentor Members
As a seasoned professional in trauma and acute care surgery, you’ve spent years honing your expertise and making a difference in patients' lives. Now, as a Mentor member, you have the opportunity to shape the future of the field while continuing your own professional growth. EAST offers a wealth of opportunities tailored specifically for mid- and late-career surgeons—whether you’re looking to mentor the next generation, expand your research, or strengthen your leadership impact.
If you are interested in becoming a member, visit the Join EAST page and apply.Join a Network of Experts
Expand your professional connections by accessing the EAST Membership Directory, where you can connect with more than 3,800 members worldwide. Ensure your profile is up to date so colleagues and future collaborators can find you easily.
Guide the Next Generation through the EAST Mentoring Program
Your experience is invaluable. Serve as a mentor to early-career trauma and acute care surgeons, helping them navigate academic and professional growth. Mid-career members can also participate as mentees, gaining insight from senior leaders as they advance their careers. Learn more about how you can give back and stay engaged through the EAST Mentoring Program.
Serve on a Committee or Ad Hoc Task Force
Use your expertise to influence key initiatives by volunteering for an EAST Committee or Task Force. EAST welcomes new volunteers annually. To learn more, visit the Get Involved on a Committee or Task Force page and respond to the call for volunteers in August.
Submit an Abstract for the EAST Annual Scientific Assembly
Contribute to EAST’s premier educational event by presenting cutting-edge research. EAST supports research in trauma, emergency general surgery, burn, and surgical critical care. Submit your abstract before the July 1 deadline annually.
Attend the "No Suit, No Problem" Networking Event
Participate in the "No Suit, No Problem" networking event at the Annual Scientific Assembly—a relaxed setting where you can connect with other professionals, offer career guidance, and share your expertise. This is an excellent opportunity to foster the growth of future trauma leaders while expanding your own professional network.
Propose a Practice Management Guideline
Your clinical expertise can help refine best practices. Submit a proposal for a new or updated EAST Practice Management Guideline and help advance trauma care standards. Learn more on the Practice Management Guidelines page.
Collaborate on an EAST Multicenter Trial
Collaborate with other institutions on impactful research projects that push the boundaries of trauma care. Learn more by visiting the EAST Multicenter Trials page.
Collaborate on an EAST Monthly Literature Review
Volunteer to collaborate on an EAST Monthly Literature Review and help shape the field by analyzing and summarizing the latest trauma surgery research. Contact Nakia Rounsaville at for opportunities.
Nominate an EAST Member
Recognize an EAST member for their outstanding contributions to military casualty care by nominating them for the John P. Pryor, MD Distinguished Service Award. All members of EAST (civilian and military) are eligible.
Suggest an Idea for a Podcast
The EAST Careercasts are a series of audio interviews with leaders in the field designed to provide you with practical information regarding career development, leadership and career challenges. Have an idea for a topic or a speaker (including yourself)? Submit a proposal.
Volunteer at the Community Outreach Event
Make a meaningful, short-term impact by volunteering at the Community Outreach Event during the Annual Scientific Assembly. This one-day event, organized by the EAST Injury Control and Violence Prevention Committee, focuses on delivering vital injury prevention programs in the community. Sign up to make a difference when volunteer registration opens in the fall!
Be a Mentor to a Medical Student during Medical Students' Day
Inspire the next generation by volunteering to mentor a medical student during EAST Medical Students' Day at the Annual Scientific Assembly. This one-day event gives students the opportunity to network with EAST members, discuss trauma surgery, explore career goals, and ask questions.
Share Your Speaking and Research Interests
Add your expertise to the EAST Speakers Bureau and be part of a growing list of members who speak at local, national, and international conferences. Looking for a speaker? Use the directory to find your next presenter.
Connect on Social Media
Join the conversation on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube to stay informed and engaged with the latest in trauma surgery.