Benefits for Residents and Fellows
If you are interested in becoming a member, visit the Join EAST page and apply.
Network Online
Connect with more than 3,800 members worldwide via the Membership Directory. Keep your profile updated to make it easy for others to reach out.
Participate in the EAST Mentoring Program
Join the EAST Mentoring Program to foster academic and personal growth with one-on-one mentorship from experienced professionals.
Serve on a Committee or Ad Hoc Task Force
Collaborate with experts, shape initiatives, and make a lasting impact by volunteering on an EAST Commitee or Task Force. It’s a great opportunity to advance your career, grow your network, and contribute to the field. To learn more, visit the Get Involved on a Committee or Task Force page and respond to the call for volunteers in August.
Develop Your Leadership Skills
Do you want to be a trauma surgery leader? Build your leadership skills by participating in EAST’s Leadership Development Workshop. Each year, up to five early-career members are sponsored to attend this three-year workshop series at the EAST Annual Scientific Assembly. Applications open annually in the summer.
Submit an Abstract for the EAST Annual Scientific Assembly
Showcase your research by submitting an abstract for presentation at the EAST Annual Scientific Assembly. EAST supports research in trauma, emergency general surgery, burn, and surgical critical care. Submit your abstract before the July 1 deadline annually.
Attend the "No Suit, No Problem" Networking Event
Attend the "No Suit, No Problem" networking event at the EAST Annual Scientific Assembly in January. Geared toward fellows and junior faculty, this is a great way to meet future colleagues, discuss career pathways, research development, and skill sets.
Participate in the EAST Fellows & Chief Residents Workshop
A successful career in trauma and acute care surgery requires mentorship, planning, and expert guidance. This workshop, held during the Annual Scientific Assembly, is designed to help incoming fellows and chief residents select the programs and career paths that best align with their goals. Sign up for this workshop once registration for the assembly opens in the fall.
Contribute to EAST Practice Management Guidelines
Contribute to evidence-based decision-making by proposing new PMGs or updating existing ones. Volunteer opportunities are announced when needed. Learn more on the Practice Management Guidelines page.
Collaborate on an EAST Multicenter Trial
Achieve your research goals by collaborating with peers at other centers by joining or starting an EAST Multicenter Trial. Learn more by visiting the EAST Multicenter Trials page.
Partner with Researchers
Partner with established researchers to develop trauma and acute care surgery research ideas through the EAST INVEST-C Research Hackathon. Gain valuable mentorship, research design support, multicenter collaboration, statistical assistance, and editorial services to help bring your project to life.
Apply to the EAST Oriens Award
Participate in the EAST Oriens Award competition to share your journey in trauma and acute care surgery. One fellow and one resident award winner are named annually and invited to present their essays at the EAST Annual Scientific Assembly.
Participate in the Raymond H. Alexander, MD Resident Paper Competition
The Raymond H. Alexander, MD Resident Paper Competition is a highlight session at the Annual Scientific Assembly for residents and fellows to present their scientific work. Winners in basic and clinical science are selected.
Submit an LOI for the EAST Multicenter Trial Junior Investigator Award
Apply for the EAST Multicenter Trial Junior Investigator Award to lead a multicenter trial in trauma, acute care surgery, or surgical critical care.
Apply for the John M. Templeton, Jr., MD Injury Prevention Research Scholarship
Apply for the John M. Templeton, Jr., MD Injury Prevention Research Scholarship and gain the support you need to conduct an interventional trial in injury prevention. This scholarship is designed to help investigators like you take the next step in advancing the field.
Apply for the EAST Trauma Research Scholarship
The EAST Trauma Research Scholarship is a career development award meant to support young investigators, who are judged on the basis of the merit of their proposal and their anticipated future contributions to the science and practice of trauma surgery. Learn more by visiting the EAST Trauma Research Scholarship page.
Apply for the John M. Templeton, Jr., MD Military Call to Service Scholarship
Apply for the John M. Templeton, Jr., MD Military Call to Service Scholarship! This annual scholarship supports 2-3 military trauma surgeons early in their careers, offering the opportunity to attend the EAST Annual Scientific Assembly. Recipients are recognized for their dedication to military service and are expected to make impactful contributions to advancing trauma care. Don’t miss this chance to further your career and help shape the future of injury treatment.
Collaborate on an EAST Monthly Literature Review
Volunteer to collaborate on an EAST Monthly Literature Review which features abstracts of relevant articles culled from a variety of professional journals. Contact Nakia Rounsaville at for opportunities.
Suggest an Idea for a Podcast
The EAST Careercasts are a series of audio interviews with leaders in the field designed to provide you with practical information regarding career development, leadership and career challenges. Have an idea for a topic or a speaker (including yourself)? Submit a proposal.
Volunteer at the Community Outreach Event
Make a meaningful, short-term impact by volunteering at the Community Outreach Event during the Annual Scientific Assembly. This one-day event, organized by the EAST Injury Control and Violence Prevention Committee, focuses on delivering vital injury prevention programs in the community. Sign up to make a difference when volunteer registration opens in the fall!
Mentor a Medical Student during Medical Students' Day
Sign up to mentor a medical student during EAST Medical Students' Day at the Annual Scientific Assembly. This one-day event gives students the opportunity to network with EAST members, discuss trauma surgery, explore career goals, and ask questions. Take advantage of this chance to guide and inspire the next generation of trauma surgeons.
Share Your Speaking and Research Interests
Add your expertise to the EAST Speakers Bureau and be part of a growing list of members who speak at local, national, and international conferences. Looking for a speaker? Use the directory to find your next presenter.
Nominate an EAST Member
Honor an EAST member who has made significant contributions to military casualty care by nominating them for the John P. Pryor, MD Distinguished Service Award. This award is presented annually at the EAST Annual Scientific Assembly.
Connect on Social Media
There are so many ways to stay connected to EAST – even online! Join the conversation on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube for breaking news, reminders, relevant articles, and all the stories in between. Learn more by visiting the Connect on Social Media page.