Abstract Submission Guide
EAST Abstract Submission System
The EAST Abstract Submission System is fully integrated with the EAST website allowing you to create, edit, and submit abstracts over multiple sessions until the posted deadline. Your abstracts may be accessed from your user profile at any time.
Abstract submission for the 39th Annual Scientific Assembly will open April 2025. The submission deadline is July 1, 2025 at 11:59 pm Pacific Time Zone. Notifications of acceptance or non-acceptance will be sent to the Corresponding Author via email in August, 2025. Please direct any questions regarding abstract submission to Christine Eme at ceme@east.org.
Features of the Abstract Submission System are available in all modern browsers including Google Chrome (preferred), Mozilla Firefox, . Note: JavaScript and cookies must be enabled in your browser settings.
EAST supports research in Trauma, Emergency General Surgery, Burn, and Surgical Critical Care.
- To enter an abstract, you will be required to sign in to the EAST website. Active members or others with an existing user profile (ex: scholarship applicants, member applicants) should use your existing sign in credentials. Others will be required to create a new abstract submission account. This will allow you to access your abstracts. When you enter your author list, you will also be able to search for names. To avoid establishing multiple records for co-authors, please be sure to use the search feature when entering your author list.
- Types of abstracts you may submit - EAST is accepting traditional scientific abstracts for consideration for podium and quick shot presentation.
- Abstract Categories - There will be three Abstract Categories: Basic Science, Clinical Science, and Injury Prevention*. You will be required to select a category from one of these types. Please review the Abstract Category Descriptions below to determine the abstract category you should select. If you are unsure of what abstract category to select, please email ceme@east.org.
*To be considered for the Cox-Templeton Injury Prevention Paper Competition, the Injury Abstract Category must be selected.
Basic Science - abstract would include bench research that involves laboratory studies with cell cultures, animal models or physiologic experiments.
Clinical Science - abstract would include the use of randomized controlled trials, observational trials, retrospective studies, database analysis involving humans/human samples that examine disease/diagnostics/drugs/devices/biologics or outcomes. Clinical Case Reviews or Series submissions are not permitted.
Injury Prevention - abstract would include primary prevention, secondary prevention, and tertiary prevention, along with education strategies, engineering strategies and behavioral studies. Note, to be considered for the Cox-Templeton Injury Prevention Paper Competition the Injury Abstract Category must be selected.
- As you enter your abstract, you will be able to step through the process with the option to 'skip for now' any content you are not yet ready to enter.
- At any point in the submission process you may choose to save and finish later. This records your work and allows you to return later to make changes or additions and complete your submission.
- An overview page for each abstract tracks your progress and the review page will alert you to any outstanding items required for submission.
- Once you are completely satisfied with your abstract and have met all requirements for entry, you may submit your abstract by clicking the 'submit abstract' button on the review page. You will receive a confirmation email when your abstract has been successfully submitted.
- Is your abstract completed? You may check the status of your abstracts at any time from your user profile. Note, if you wish to edit your abstract after submission and before the submission deadline, you will need to click the 'submit abstract' button again in order to resubmit your abstract. If you do not, your abstract will be incomplete and not submitted and will not be eligible to be reviewed.
- Corresponding Author "Owns" the Abstract. You must be signed in to a profile to submit an abstract. By default, the system identifies the profile that is "signed in" as the Corresponding Author; this cannot be changed. The Corresponding Author (i.e., profile under which the abstract is being submitted) "owns" the abstract which means the abstract is directly tied to the Corresponding Author’s profile record. All communications will be sent to the Corresponding Author. All required actions related to abstract submission as well as abstract acceptance are the responsibility of the Corresponding Author and must be completed by the Corresponding Author. The Corresponding Author is the individual with whom EAST will communicate for all matters related to abstract submission and abstract acceptance.
Top Tips for Successful Abstract Submission
Following are some important tips and guidelines to help with your abstract submission. For abstract submission Chrome is the preferred browser. Safari should be avoided.
1) Don’t Wait to Submit – This is probably the most important tip! You should allow time to become familiar with how the system works. Start the submission process early to ensure that your abstract is submitted correctly and by the deadline so that it will be reviewed by the Annual Scientific Assembly Committee. The abstract submission deadline is July 1, 2025 at 11:59 pm Pacific Time Zone.
2) Author Disclosure – If the abstract is accepted, the Presenting Author will be required to complete an online disclosure form. Failure to complete the online disclosure form will result in removal from the program.
Note: When you enter your author list, you will also be able to search for names. To avoid establishing multiple records for co-authors, please be sure to use the search feature when entering your author list. Enter names completely (include credentials). How an author's name is entered is how it will appear on the abstract and in printed materials if the abstract is selected for the program.
3) Abstract Details - The details of your abstract for oral podium/quick shot submissions must be entered in the following pre-determined fields: Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusion. You may copy and paste text from another source; however, it must be done for each field and you must remove any headings. Please DO NOT copy and paste scientific symbols as they will not transfer correctly. Click on the Omega symbol within each field for a full listing of common scientific symbols and special characters you may insert.
4) Character Count Restrictions – The text portion of your abstract (Title, Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusion) must be no more than 2,000 characters in total (characters, not words, and includes spaces). This will keep the text of your abstract limited to one page as required by EAST.
5) Figures and graphs – You may include up to two image files in your abstract with a caption for each. These will be displayed on the second page of the abstract. Image files do not count toward character count restrictions. Figures, graphs, and tables may only be uploaded in JPG, PNG or GIF file formats and will be displayed at no more than 450x350 pixels - please ensure your images are readable at these dimensions. Larger images will be proportionately resized.
6) Presenting Author – A Presenting Author must be named for each abstract (if the Corresponding Author is the Presenting Author, you will be able to indicate this). Search for presenting author by last name and select from results. If you can't find someone in search results, you may add a new author with name and email address. The presenting author will be automatically listed as the first author. Do not add the presenting author to the co-author list. See note above regarding Corresponding Author and abstract "ownership."
7) Co-Authors - To add co-authors to the abstract, search on last name and select from results. If you can't find someone in search results, you may add a new author with name and email address. If adding a co-author(s), be sure to include their credentials or they will not be included in the author block if the abstract is selected for the program. Co-authors on your abstract will be listed in the order you enter them in this section of the submission system. Be sure to enter in the desired order of display or drag and drop after adding all co-authors to adjust order, as desired. Note: Corresponding author (if different from the Presenting author) will need to be added to the co-author list to be included on the abstract author information.
Note: To avoid establishing multiple records for co-authors, please be sure to use the search feature first when entering your author list.
8) CME Credit - EAST is planning to offer AMA PRA Category 1 Credit TM .
9) Don’t Wait to Submit – This tip is worth repeating! You should allow time to become familiar with how the system works. Start the submission process early to ensure that your abstract is submitted correctly and by the deadline so that it will be reviewed by the Annual Scientific Assembly Committee. As a reminder, the Corresponding Author "owns" the abstract. The abstract can only be accessed through the Corresponding Author's profile. The abstract submission deadline is July 1, 2025 at 11:59 pm Pacific Time Zone.
WATCH THE VIDEO for abstract submission tips!
Click here to review the Abstract Content & Context Guide.
For abstract submission, Chrome is the preferred browser. Safari should be avoided.