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The Impact of Ridesharing Services on Motor Vehicle Crashes2022

Type: New Evidence Based Review (EBR)
Category: Injury Prevention
Committee Liaison: Amanda Teichman, MD, FACS

Team leader(s)

In addition to their convenience, ride sharing apps have the potential to reduce the population's reliance on driving. Ride sharing may be a safer transportation option, particularly when intoxication is involved. This may lead to reduction in drunk driving crashes and associated injuries and deaths. Several observational studies have aimed to assess the impact of ride sharing on drunk driving, crashes, and deaths, but to our knowledge, no definitive review of the literature exists. Such a review has the potential to inform policy makers and public health practitioners striving to reduce injuries and deaths from drunk driving.

Team members:
• Susan Kartiko, MD, PhD
• Christina Colosimo, DO, MS
• Lindsey Perea, DO, FACS
• Hee Soo Jung, MD, FACS
• Justin Dvorak, MD

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