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Hemothorax Management 2018
Type: Update Practice Management Guideline (PMG)
Existing PMG/EBR: Hemothorax and Occult Pneumothorax, Management of
Category: Trauma
Committee Liaison: Rachel D. Appelbaum, MD
Team leader(s)
Management of hemothorax varies and is institutional and provider dependent. Last guideline established by EAST was in 2011 reviewing the management of simple hemothorax. However, since then there has not been any updates or guidelines using GRADE methodology. The purpose of this guideline is to provide management guidelines
of hemothorax using GRADE methodology. The guideline will review whether a small hemothorax would even need to be drained, does size of tube thoracostomy matter, performing TPA versus VATS for retained hemothorax, and address early vs late VATS.
Work Group Members
Nikolay Bugaev, MD
John Como, MD, MPH
Daniel Culinane, MD
Christopher Dodgion, MD, MSPH, MBA
Linda Dultz, MD, MPH
Douglas Fraser, MD
Susan Kartiko, MD, PhD
George Kasotakis, MD, MPH
Dennis Kim, MD
Eric Klein, MD
Allison McNickle, MD
Peter Pappas, MD