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Prophylactic Antibiotic use in Burn Injuries2020

Type: New Practice Management Guideline (PMG)
Category: Surgical Critical Care
Committee Liaison: Kate Savoie, MD, MS

Team leader(s)

Infection is a major contributor to morbidity and mortality in burn patients accounting for up to 51% of deaths in patients that arrive at the hospital. The majority of these infections are acquired during the later periods of recovery. Immediately following injury, the wound is essentially sterilized by the same thermal forces that caused the burn injury. Studies of prophylactic systemic antibiotics in the initial period have not demonstrated benefit in morbidity or mortality. Despite this, many providers continue to administer prophylactic systemic antibiotics. No practice management guideline on antibiotic use in burn injury currently exists, we aim to provide recommendations regarding the role of antibiotic therapy in patients who have sustained burn injuries.

Team members:
• Elizabeth Turner, MD MS FACS (Team leader)
• John V. Agapian, MD, FACS, FCCM (Team leader)
• Callie Thompson, MD, FACS
• Robel Beyene, MD
• Danielle M Terrill, MD
• Joshua Carson, MD, FACS
• Laura S. Johnson, MD

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