Multicenter Trial Proposal

Do you have a single center study that just didn’t produce enough enrollment to achieve your research goals?  Do you have a great research idea (retrospective or prospective), but just don’t believe you can get it off the ground without multicenter collaboration?  How about achieving your goals more effectively through collaboration with other EAST members in a multicenter project?

The Multicenter Trials Committee within the EAST Research Division is seeking high quality multicenter trial ideas to enter into the 2025 EAST MCTs cohort.  The next submission deadline will be March 17, 2025. 

Preference for proposals that have a focus on Emergency General Surgery (EGS) or address a knowledge gap for any specific NTRAP questions are preferred and strongly encouraged.  Information about NTRAP can be located here.

The Multicenter Trials Committee conducts a biannual review of any proposals to be submitted in consideration of being an EAST Multicenter Trial:

  • Submission Deadline: March 17, 2025 (to be considered as an EAST 2025 Multicenter Trial)
  • Submission Deadline: October 1, 2025 (to be considered as an EAST 2026 Multicenter Trial)

All proposals will be reviewed by the EAST Multicenter Trials Committee.  Inputs of the committee will be conferred confidentially to the primary investigator.  Selected proposals will be listed for recruitment on the EAST Multicenter Study website after IRB approval is received.    

*Please note, if you are not a current EAST member and are looking to submit a proposal, a sponsor that is an active EAST member does need to be identified.  If you need assistance in finding a sponsor please contact Rachel Dixon at   

Submit a Proposal:

Step #1

Review the Process and Instructions document.  Incomplete submissions will not be accepted.

Step #2

Submit the following online form:

  1.  EAST Multicenter Study Proposal Form
    1. Examples:  Data Collection & Statistical Analysis, Consent Procedures and Risk/Benefit Analysis

Next Steps:

If accepted as an EAST Multicenter Trial the following will be asked to be completed and/or submitted.  Please note, no accepted EAST MCTs will be posted on the EAST website or promoted until a signed MOU and an IRB Approval Letter is received by EAST staff.

  1. IRB Approval Letter 
  2. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma (EAST) and the Principal Investigator of an EAST sponsored Multicenter Trial
  3. Data Collection Tool
  4. Data Dictionary

If a proposed study is accepted by the EAST Multicenter Trials Committee as an EAST approved study the following information will apply:

  1. The Recruitment Letter (Email) and Guidelines for Authorship can be found below:
  2. If a study reaches publication, PIs are strongly encouraged to have the words “EAST Multicenter Trial” in the title or subtitle of the manuscript.  If this is not done a reason must be provided to EAST (such as: insufficient character allowance in the tile for a given journal) prior to submission for publication.  
  3. If a study reaches publication, PIs will be expected to submit a Visual Abstract for their EAST MCTs.
  4. Information regarding the advertising opportunities through EAST to help increase exposure for your MCT can be found on the Advertising Your MCT through EAST page.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the EAST Administrative Office at or call (312) 202-5508.