
Audio interviews addressing upcoming research and its application to the injured, critically ill or emergency general surgery patient, education efforts related to the clinical practice of acute care surgery, novel methods in the management of these patients and  topics affecting providers and clinical care within the field.

We want to hear your thoughts and reflections on the content produced by the Educational Resources Committee (e.g., the EAST Traumacasts and the EAST In the Arena podcast).  Send us your feedback.  

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Podcasts Currently Available

EAST Traumacast logo Management of Diverticulitis Across Settings and Specialties - 175

Join Drs. Mohammed Bawazeer and Jaswin Sawhney as they talk with guests Drs. Joseph Sakran and Jason Hall. They discuss the acute and elective management of diverticulitis including such topics as antibiotics, the role of laparoscopic lavage, indications for surgery in the acute and elective settings, management of colovesical fistula and the role of acute care surgeons and colorectal surgeons in the management of this disease process.

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EAST Traumacast logo Discussion from Both Sides of the Drape: Intraoperative Resuscitation of the Trauma Patient - #169

Join Drs. Tatiana Cardenas, Zaffer Qasim and Jacob Edwards as they talk with guests Drs. Marissa Mery and Jeremy Cannon.  They discuss trauma resuscitation through the continuum of the trauma bay to OR with perspectives of emergency medicine, surgery and anesthesia providers.  Topics include permissive hypotension, use of pressors, massive transfusion practices, cell saver usage, additional anesthesia trauma training and more!

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EAST Traumacast logo ABC vs CAB and what is xABC?: Hemorrhagic Shock - ED vs OR Intubation? - #167
Join Drs. Tatiana Cardenas, Liz Dauer and Zaffer Qasim chat with Drs. Paula Ferrada and Sharven Taghavi about ED vs OR intubation in patients with hemorrhagic shock.  They address  ABC vs CAB, the physiology of intubation of patients in shock and reconsidering the dogma.  

Supplemental Material:  Ferrada P, Dissanaike S. Circulation First for the Rapidly Bleeding Trauma Patient-It Is Time to Reconsider the ABCs of Trauma Care. JAMA Surg. 2023 May 17. doi: 10.1001/jamasurg.2022.8436. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37195675.

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EAST Traumacast logo Less is More - Discussing the EAST MCT: Outcomes Among Trauma Patients with Duodenal Leak Following Primary vs. Complex Repair of Duodenal Injuries - #163

Join Drs. Jeremy Levin, Michal Radomski and Lauren Dudas discuss the results of the EAST MCT with PI Rachel Choron.  Hear about management options of duodenal injuries, why they can be so clinically challenging and a bit about spearheading an EAST multicenter trial.  Abstract was presented at the 36th EAST Annual Scientific Assembly.  Look for the publication soon! – “Outcomes Among Trauma Patients with Duodenal Leak Following Primary vs. Complex Repair of Duodenal Injuries: An EAST Multicenter Trial”

Supplemental Material: Check out the abstract from the 36th EAST Annual Scientific Assembly

Interested in getting involved in an EAST MCT? - EAST Multicenter Trials - The Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma


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EAST Traumacast logo Pelvic Trauma: What Tools are in Your Toolbox? - #159

Join Drs. Shyam Murali and Lauren Dudas with guest host Dr. Megan Quintana discuss pelvic hemorrhage control with experts Drs. Tatiana Cardenas and Joe DuBose.  Hear about the different options for hemorrhage control in patients with pelvic fractures so you can maximize patient management at your institution.  They also discuss pitfalls, complications and special populations. 

Supplemental Material:
DuBose JJ, Burlew CC, Joseph B, Keville M, Harfouche M, Morrison J, Fox CJ, Mooney J, O'Toole R, Slobogean G, Marchand LS, Demetriades D, Werner NL, Benjamin E, Costantini T. Pelvic fracture-related hypotension: A review of contemporary adjuncts for hemorrhage control.
Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery: October 2021 - Volume 91 - Issue 4 - p e93-e103
doi: 10.1097/TA.0000000000003331. PMID: 34238857.

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EAST Traumacast logo Selective Aortic Arch Perfusion-The Next Best Thing for Trauma Resuscitation? What is it and when can we implement it?? - #158

Join Drs. Brandon Parker, Megan Quintana and Lauren Dudas chat with Jonny Morrison and Jim Manning about SAAP: selective aortic arch perfusion.  What is it, how is it superior to existing resuscitation methods, who would benefit, how close is it to utilization and more!

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EAST Traumacast logo Rethinking Damage Control Surgery - #112

Is the era of damage control surgery over? Moderators Dr. Dave Morris and Dr. Carrie Valdez talk with Drs. John Harvin and John Holcomb about the role for DCS in the era of hemostatic resuscitation.  Perhaps it is time to shift our paradigm back to definitive surgery as the default plan now that that we are inducing less edema and coagulopathy with huge doses of crystalloid.

Articles/Protocols referenced:
The effect of damage control laparotomy on major abdominal comlications : A matched analysis. 
Am J Surg. 2018 Jul;216(1):56-59. doi: 10.1016/j.amjsurg.2017.10.044. Epub 2017 Nov 11.

Decreasing the Use of Damage Control Laparotomy in Trauma: A Quality Improvement Project.
J Am Coll Surg. 2017 Aug;225(2):200-209. doi: 10.1016/j.jamcollsurg.2017.04.010. Epub 2017 Apr 23.

Direct Peritoneal Resuscitation Nursing Protocol

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EAST Traumacast logo Damage Control Thoracic Surgery - #106

So...when's the last time you packed a chest?  Join us as Dr. Jim O'Connor walks us through management of severe thoracic trauma including packing the chest and leaving it open. 

Do you have a suggestion for a Traumacast? Submit your idea. 

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EAST Traumacast logo Case Records of the Joint Trauma System - From the 2018 WTA Annual Meeting - Podcast #98

At the 2018 annual meeting of the Western Trauma Association, the US military Joint Trauma System (JTS) held a an educational session called "Case Records of the Joint Trauma System". This is a planned series of presentations where an expert panel is presented with interesting and challenging battlefield trauma cases drawn from the Department of Defense Trauma Registry. This registry has captured data on all wounded patients treated at forward military medical treatment facilities during combat and post-combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. This program has been spearheaded by Colonel Jennifer Gurney, an Army trauma surgeon and the current Chief of Trauma Systems Development with the JTS. This challenging and entertaining session featured an expert panel representing multiple military services and several allied nations, and was co-moderated by Colonel Gurney and Colonel Matthew Martin. The expert panel consisted of: Dr. Kim Peck, Dr. Warren Dorlac, Dr. Rachael Callcut, and Dr. David Feliciano. This 30-minute session was recorded live from the case panel discussion at the WTA 2018 meeting in Whistler, British Columbia, Canada.

Supplemental Materials:
Joint Trauma System website

For any questions about this program, suggestions for future venues or cases, and to submit any cases or case material, please email Dr. Jen Gurney 

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EAST Traumacast logo Case Records of the Joint Trauma System Episode #4 - Part 2: The Experts Go to War - Podcast #93

At the 2017 annual meeting of the Military Health System Research Symposium, the US military Joint Trauma System (JTS) held a session of the newly created educational program called "Case Records of the Joint Trauma System". This is a planned series of presentations where an expert panel is presented with interesting and challenging battlefield trauma cases drawn from the Department of Defense Trauma Registry. This registry has captured data on all wounded patients treated at forward military medical treatment facilities during combat and post-combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. This program has been spearheaded by Colonel Jennifer Gurney, an Army trauma surgeon and the current Chief of Trauma Systems Development with the JTS. This challenging and entertaining session featured an expert panel representing multiple military services and several allied nations, and was co-moderated by Colonel Gurney and Colonel Marty Schreiber. The 2-hour session has been broken into two podcasts - part 1 and part 2. A brief introductory review of the military "echelons of care" system and terminology is provided by Colonel Gurney and Colonel Matthew Martin, and was recorded live from Baghdad, Iraq.

Supplemental Materials:

  1. Joint Trauma System website
  2. For any questions about this program, suggestions for future venues or cases, and to submit any cases or case material, please email Dr. Jen Gurney at:
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EAST Traumacast logo Case Records of the Joint Trauma System Episode #4 - Part I: The Experts Go to War - Podcast #92

At the 2017 annual meeting of the Military Health System Research Symposium, the US military Joint Trauma System (JTS) held a session of the newly created educational program called "Case Records of the Joint Trauma System". This is a planned series of presentations where an expert panel is presented with interesting and challenging battlefield trauma cases drawn from the Department of Defense Trauma Registry. This registry has captured data on all wounded patients treated at forward military medical treatment facilities during combat and post-combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. This program has been spearheaded by Colonel Jennifer Gurney, an Army trauma surgeon and the current Chief of Trauma Systems Development with the JTS. This challenging and entertaining session featured an expert panel representing multiple military services and several allied nations, and was co-moderated by Colonel Gurney and Colonel Marty Schreiber. The 2-hour session has been broken into two podcasts - part 1 and part 2. A brief introductory review of the military "echelons of care" system and terminology is provided by Colonel Gurney and Colonel Matthew Martin, and was recorded live from Baghdad, Iraq.

Supplemental Materials:

  1. Joint Trauma System website
  2. For any questions about this program, suggestions for future venues or cases, and to submit any cases or case material, please email Dr. Jen Gurney at:
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EAST Traumacast logo EAST April 2017 Literature Review: Arterial Shunts in Damage Control Vascular Surgery - Podcast #88

In this episode of the EAST Traumacast, we discuss the paper "Temporary arterial shunts in damage control: Experience and outcomes" with authors Dr. Sarah Matthew and Dr. Mark Seamon, and EAST reviewer Dr. Tareq Kheirbek.  Have you used an arterial shunt lately? The authors discuss this infrequent intervention and complications that may occur.  

Supplemental Materials
Temporary arterial shunts in damage control: Experience and Outcomes
J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2017 Mar;82(3):512-517. doi: 10.1097/TA.0000000000001334

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EAST Traumacast logo REBOA: Techniques, Indications, Pitfalls, and Incorporating it in Your Trauma Program - Podcast #64

IMPORTANT NOTE: This podcast is a lead-in to an EAST Master Class online webinar on REBOA that will be held on October 6, 2016 at 5pm (Eastern Standard Time). See the link below to register. After that date, the webinar will be available on the EAST website to view

In this episode of Traumacast, we interview Dr. Laura Moore and Dr. Elizabeth Benjamin on one of the current “hot topics” in trauma care and resuscitation, resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta (REBOA). These techniques and devices offer a new therapeutic option for the patient with significant non-compressible truncal hemorrhage, and can serve as a resuscitative bridge to provide additional time to get the patient to the operating room or angiography suite. Dr. Moore and Dr. Benjamin share their experience and insights as two early adopters of REBOA at their Level 1 trauma centers. This interview was recorded live at the 2016 AAST Annual Meeting in Waikaloa, Hawaii.

Supplemental Materials:
Collection of major REBOA studies and abstracts

Register for the October 6, 2016 EAST “Master Class” Live Webinar on REBOA with Dr. Laura Moore and Dr. Elizabeth Benjamin

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EAST Traumacast logo Inaugural Session of the Case Records of the Joint Trauma System: The Experts Go to War - Podcast #63

At the 2016 annual meeting of the Military Health System Research Symposium, the US military Joint Trauma System (JTS) held the inaugural session of a new educational program called "Case Records of the Joint Trauma System". This is the first in a planned series of presentations where an expert panel is presented with interesting and challenging battlefield trauma cases drawn from the Department of Defense Trauma Registry. This registry has captured data on all wounded patients treated at forward military medical treatment facilities during combat and post-combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. This program has been spearheaded by Lieutenant Colonel Jennifer Gurney, an Army trauma surgeon and the current Chief of Trauma Systems Development with the JTS. This challenging and entertaining session featured an expert panel representing multiple military services and several allied nations, and was co-moderated by Dr. Gurney and Dr. John Holcomb.

Colonel Ray Fang, US Air Force
Colonel (retired) Don Jenkins, US Air Force
Major Valerie Sams, US Air Force
Colonel Matthew Martin, US Army
Surgeon Captain Rory Rickard, Royal Navy
Lieutenant Colonel Avi Yitzhak, Israeli Defense Forces

Supplemental Materials:

  1. Joint Trauma System Website
  2. For any questions about this program, suggestions for future venues or cases, and to submit any cases or case material, please email Dr. Jen Gurney.
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EAST Traumacast logo Damage Control Surgery - Podcast #9

A discussion with Dr. Bill Schwab regarding the evolution of damage control surgery in trauma care

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