Audio interviews addressing upcoming research and its application to the injured, critically ill or emergency general surgery patient, education efforts related to the clinical practice of acute care surgery, novel methods in the management of these patients and topics affecting providers and clinical care within the field.
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38th EAST Annual Scientific Assembly Compilation - #180
- 03/07/2025
Join moderators Drs. Mohammed Bawazeer, Lauren Dudas, Jennifer Brewer and Alexandra Brito as they interview speakers and presenters from the 38th EAST Annual Scientific Assembly held January 14-17, 2025 in Tucson, AZ. Guests include outgoing and incoming EAST Presidents, Drs. Ben Zarzaur and Nicole Fox in addition to Drs. Leah Aakjar, Rachel Applebaum, Ellen Becker, Anthony DeSantis, Veronica Layrisse-Landaeta, Jonathan Meizoso, Travis Miles, Lauren Steward, Ronald Tesoriero and Medical Student Hannah Cleary.
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What's the Deal with IV Contrast Shortage? - #157
- 05/25/2022
- Join Dr. Nick Namias and Dr. Caroline Park as they discuss the ongoing IV Contrast Shortage with Dr. Lucy Ruangvoravat and Dr. Carrie Valdez.
Supplemental Material: Cavallo J, Pahade J. Practice Management Strategies for Imaging Facilities Facing an Acute Iodinated Contrast Media Shortage. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2022 May 13. doi: 10.2214/AJR.22.27969
- Listen Download
Cybersecurity – You Only Know When You HAVEN'T Planned A Great Defense - #152
- 01/27/2022
Who is hacking our hospital systems and why? What can you do about it?
Listen in as we interview Menny Barzilay, partner at Cytactic – Cyber Crisis Management, and Matan Scharf. Both guests are internationally known cyber security experts, formerly in the intelligence services of the Israeli Defense Forces and currently working at Tel Aviv University. Join Drs. Carrie Valdez and Lauren Dudas for a fascinating discussion on Cybersecurity. Additional resources and links to more talks with our guests are listed below.Supplemental Material:
Menny Barzilay website, great resources, newsletter and blog - attack suspected in German woman’s death, NYT article:
Death by Cyber, YouTube talk by Menny Barzilay -
Autoimmune Deficiency, Hospital Cyber Defense, YouTube talk by Matan Scharf -
Securing the World: Cybersecurity in the Age of IoT, YouTube talk by Matan Scharf -
- Listen Download
Celebrating 10 Years of EAST Traumacast! - #151
- 12/21/2021
- Celebrating 10 Years of EAST Traumacast! Dive into conversation as Dr. Michal Radomski and @ldel302 interview @carrievaldezmd Dr. Dave Morris, @docmartin22 @saranimd
Drs. Michal Radomski and Lauren Dudas interview previous EAST Traumacast moderators Drs. Carrie Valdez, Dave Morris, Matt Martin and Babak Sarani. Share laughs with the originators as you hear how it all started and how the program got where it is today! A special thank you to Christine Eme, EAST Staff, for all of her production support and the many others who dedicated their time over the past 10 years. Also check out the new introduction, created by EAST member Dr. Shyam Murali. Here’s to the next decade of EAST Traumacast listening! - Listen Download
Screening and Treatment of Alcohol Dependence - What Could You Be Doing Better? - #144
- 06/01/2021
Listen to the first author of the EAST PMG, Dr. Kodadek and pharmacist Jen Beavers discuss alcohol dependence – from identifying at risk patients to a review of treatment options. Hosted by new guest moderators Drs. Jeremy Levin, Sam Tarras and Patrick McGonagill as well as Lauren Dudas.
Supplemental Information:
Kodadek, Lisa M., Jennifer J. Freeman, Devesh Tiwary, Mack Dillon Drake, M. Elizabeth Schroeder, Linda Dultz, Cassandra White, et al. 2020. “Alcohol-Related Trauma Reinjury Prevention with Hospital-Based Screening in Adult Populations: An Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma Evidence-Based Systematic Review.” Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery 88 (1): 106–12., Anika, Kurt Kleinschmidt, Julie A Kmiec, George Kolodner, Gerald E Marti, William F Murphy, Carlos F Tirado, et al. 2020. “The ASAM Clinical Practice Guideline on Alcohol Withdrawal Management.”
Ammar, Mahmoud A., Abdalla A. Ammar, Jordan Rosen, Hagar S. Kassab, and Robert D. Becher. 2021. “Phenobarbital Monotherapy for the Management of Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome in Surgical-Trauma Patients.” Annals of Pharmacotherapy 55 (3): 294–302.
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COVID-19 Part 03 - Palliative Care - #133
- 04/08/2020
Join Drs. Valdez and Hoffman to discuss Palliative Care in the era of the COVID pandemic. Dr. Hoffman lends her expertise and provides great resources linked below, including her podcast series on Surgical Palliative Care.
References and Resources
Surgical Palliative Care podcast hosted by Dr. Red Hoffman - POLST (Physician Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment) -
Vital Talk -
Center to Advance Palliative Care (CAPC) -
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Ouch!! Can We Manage Acute Pain Better? - #103
- 06/05/2018
Can we help reduce the risk of addiction while also improving pain management in the acute setting? How does a pain management team improve patient care and satisfaction? Is your practice on the cutting edge of pain management? Join Drs. Paul Dangerfield, Tom Scott and Babak Sarani with your moderator, Dr. Carrie Valdez, as we explore these questions, and more!
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Responsible Opioid Prescribing in Trauma - Traumacast #101
- 05/14/2018
With the recognition of the Opioid Overdose Epidemic, greater scrutiny is being paid to provider prescribing practices. Trauma patients represent a unique population due to higher rates of substance abuse, multiple sources of acute pain, and the emergency nature of the care provided. In this episode, Drs. Andrew Bernard and Douglas Oyler join moderators Drs. Dave Morris and Carrie Valdez to discuss strategies for opioid prescribing for trauma patients.
Supplemental Materials:
Opioid Overdose | Drug Overdose | CDC Injury CenterSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
SAMHSA - Medications for Opiod Use Disorder - Executive SummaryAmerican Society of Addiction Medicine - Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder Resources
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EAST Town Hall Debate – Clearing the C-spine based on CT scan Only - Best Practice or Dangerous Precedent? - Podcast #65
- 10/04/2016
Election season is upon us…Drs. Schuster and Stassen (EAST president) face off with Drs. Patel and Skinner! The experts debate the merits of cervical spine collar clearance based on CT alone in the obtunded patient. This debate is based on the EAST 2015 PMG (link below). Audience members called in and pressed our experts for answers to difficult questions. Who won the debate…click “PLAY” and find out. Stay tuned for the next Traumacast!
Drs. Kevin Pei and Matthew Martin served as moderators for this debate.
Supplemental Materials
EAST PMG - Cervial Spine Collar Clearance in the Obtunded Adult Blunt Trauma Patient- Listen Download
Simulation and Surgical Training - Promise and Pitfalls - Podcast #59
- 07/01/2016
In this traumacast, Dr. Howard Champion, EAST Founding Member and 1991 EAST President, and surgical simulation expert shares his experience and vision for simulation in surgery training. Dr. Champion is a seasoned surgical educator, serving as Chief of Trauma at Washington Hospital Center for many years. In 2001, he founded SimQuest, a leading simulation platform provider. Dr. Champion not only discusses his views on the utility of simulation in competency based assessment, but also offers encouragement for those interested in a career in simulation-based surgical education. Drs. Kevin Pei and Matt Martin serve as co-moderators.
Supplemental Materials
Minimizing Surgical Error by Incorporating Objective Assessment into Surgical Education
SimQuest Website- Listen Download
Complex Abdominal Wall Reconstruction: A Modern Approach - Podcast #47 - EP
- 11/18/2015
Management of the patient with large or complicated abdominal wall defects requires a broad and deep understanding of anatomy, physiology, and surgical techniques that go well beyond the standard ventral hernia repair. Today we spoke with two experts in the modern management of the complex or multiply recurrent hernia, Dr. Robert Martindale and Dr. Sean Orenstein. We discussed the scope of the problem, the workup of these patients, optimal techniques including the retrorectus repair and the posterior component separation (or “TAR”), and then key postop management issues. This podcast also served as a lead-in to our inaugural “EAST Master Classes” live webinar held on December 7, 2015 . This webinar featured Dr. Martindale and Dr. Orenstein, and they demonstrated several of these repair techniques and strategies. If you missed the live webinar, the session was recorded and placed on the EAST Online Education Center as an enduring talk.
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Medical Malpractice, Litigation, and Legal Implications of Practice Management Guidelines - Podcast #46 - EP
- 11/18/2015
Medical malpractice claims and other litigation have unfortunately become a common occurrence in all fields of surgery. Although each case has unique and specific aspects, there are common patterns, themes, and risk factors that all practicing physicians should be aware of in order to minimize or even completely avoid these situations. In addition, there is a great deal of misunderstanding about how published guidelines such as the EAST Practice Managemenet Guidelines may be used for or against the physician in establishing the standard of care and any violoations of that standard. We discuss these issues with Dr. Carlo Reyes, a board certified Emergency Medicine physician, health care attorney, and nationally recognized expert in medical malpractice, and Dr. Chet Morrison, a Trauma and Surgical Critical Care attending with a longstanding interest in this area.
Supplemental Materials:
Legal implications of Pay for Performance article by Dr. Reyes
Minimizing your malpractice risk article by Dr. Reyes
Value of CPGs as “Safe Harbors” for Legal Defense- Listen Download
Rib Fracture Plating: Why and How? - Podcast #44 - EP
- 07/14/2015
Rib fracture plating has gained popularity in recent years as more and more Trauma providers have adopted this procedure into their treatment armamentarium. In this episode of Traumacast Dave Morris and Matt Martin discuss rib fracture plating with Dr. Bill Long, who has extensive experience in treating injuries of the chest wall and was instrumental in the development of one of the commercially available rib plating systems, and Dr. Babak Sarani who has adopted the procedure within the last 5 years. The topics of discussion include the rationale for performing the procedure, how to select patients who will benefit, and some technique tips.
Supplementary Materials
EAST Online Education Center - Surgical Treatment of Rib Plating by Dr. David Ciesla- Listen Download
Setting the Agenda and Building Coalitions: The National Trauma Institute and the Coalition for National Trauma Research - Podcast #40 - EP
- 04/06/2015
An interview with Dr. Donald Jenkins, one of the leading figures behind the National Trauma Institute (NTI) and the newly created Coalition for National Trauma Research (CNTR). Dr. Jenkins discusses the history, formation, mission, and future of these two organizations and how they are positively impacting the ability to perform high-quality clinical trauma research and fostering a national trauma research agenda.
Supplementary Materials
The National Trauma Institute information brochure
Coalition for National Trauma Research Website
"The Trauma Research Imperative" from the NTI- Listen Download
Complex_Abdominal_Wall_Hernia_Repair - Podcast #31
- 09/01/2013
A discussion with Dr. Khashayar Vaziri regarding repair of complex abdominal wall hernia, use of mesh, and placement techniques.
- Listen Download
Mortality in Minority Hospitals - Podcast #17
- 08/24/2012
A discussion with Dr. Adil Haider regarding reasons for increased mortality noted in hospitals that treat mostly minority patients following injury.
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Rib Fractures and Mortality Dr Luchette - Podcast #13
- 01/12/2012
A discussion with Dr. Fred Luchette regarding factors associated with mortality following rib fractures. We discuss who requires evaluation at a trauma center, how requires ICU admission, pain control, and the role of rib plate fixation and tracheostomy in these patients.
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Hepatic Necrosis Following Angioembolization - Podcast #2
- 08/24/2011
Interview with Dr. Tom Scalea regarding the treatment of hepatic necrosis following angioembolization for severe injury
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