Audio interviews addressing upcoming research and its application to the injured, critically ill or emergency general surgery patient, education efforts related to the clinical practice of acute care surgery, novel methods in the management of these patients and topics affecting providers and clinical care within the field.
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Podcasts Currently Available
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- Robotic Surgery
Robotics in ACS: Feasible and Beneficial! - #168
- 08/09/2023
- Join new moderator Dr. Mohammed Bawazeer and Dr. Lauren Dudas discuss the planning and implementation of a robotic ACS program with Drs. Bruce Crookes and Heather Evans. They talk about the benefits for both patients and the institution and how it has transformed their practices. The episodes finishes with a game of surgery truth or dare: Lap, Open or Robotic.
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EAST MCT: Outcomes after EGS and Trauma Care in Incarcerated Individuals - #160
- 08/23/2022
- Join Dr. Carrie Valdez as she discusses the EAST MCT on Outcomes after Emergency General Surgery and Trauma Care in Incarcerated Individuals with authors Drs. MK Bryant, Liz Dreesen, Sara Scarlet and Rebecca Maine. Learn about outcomes, working with your IRB, and what you can do to increase ethical and compassionate care.
Supplemental Material
Outcomes after emergency general surgery and trauma care in incarcerated individuals: An EAST multicenter study. Bryant MK, Tatebe LC, Rajaram S, Udekwu PO, Wurzelmann M, Crandall ML, Zuniga YD, Tran V, Santos A, Krause C, et al. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2022 Jul 1;93(1):75-83. - Listen Download
Rural Emergency General Surgery - #156
- 04/28/2022
Created in coordination with the EAST Rural Trauma Committee. Drs. Lauren Dudas and Michal Radomski discuss Emergency General Surgery (EGS) with rural providers Dr. Nicholas Bandy, Dr. Kristin Colling & Dr. Keelin Roche. Listen to hear about rural practice models, procedures important to become comfortable with as rural providers, a bit about organizing an EGS service, and considerations for pursuing a career in rural surgery.
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Let's Talk Pilonidal Disease - #150
- 12/03/2021
- Drs. Tatiana Cardenas and Lauren Dudas discuss pilonidal disease with Drs. Patrick McGonagill and Joga Ivatury. Listen to hear about how to plan your acute intervention without being detrimental to definitive options, different excisional techniques and patient selection. You’ll hear – pilonidal disease is about so much more than just “rearranging butt cracks!”
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Peptic Ulcer Disease Emergencies - #111
- 11/21/2018
Dr. Ted Pappas, Professor and Chief of the Division of Advanced Oncologic and GI Surgery in the Department of Surgery at Duke Medicine and Vice Dean for Medical Affairs joins us for an overview of surgical emergencies due to peptic ulcer disease. Do you patch perforations and get out? When is an antiulcer procedure necessary?
How do you manage the perforated giant duodenal ulcer? Do you leave a drain? Is a postoperative imaging study needed? When do you operate on a patient with a bleeding duodenal ulcer? We go over these questions and more. This is not a Traumacast you want to miss.
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Acute Mesenteric Ischemia - #107
- 08/23/2018
Acute mesenteric ischemia of all types is still associated with high mortality rates, despite advances in diagnostic modalities and supportive care, largely due to delay to initiate the appropriate therapy. Dr. Michael Sise joins us to discuss this relatively uncommon but challenging problem confronting the acute care surgeon. This is a comprehensive review you don’t want to miss.
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Anorectal Emergencies - Podcast #95
- 02/21/2018
Join us for an in-depth discussion of acute anorectal emergencies Dr. Scott Steele, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Colorectal Surgery at the Cleveland Clinic (and co-moderator of the Behind the Knife podcast). We cover anorectal abscess, anal fissure, hemorrhoidal crises, rectal prolapse, rectal trauma and rectal foreign bodies.
Moderated by Drs. Firas Madbak and Carrie Valdez
Supplemental materials:
Clinical Practice Guidelines from the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons- Listen Download
Inguinal Hernia Bailouts - Podcast #81
- 05/01/2017
Ever find yourself in the middle of night wondering “What am I going to do with this hernia disaster??” Join us as we pick the brains of two experts in the field, Drs. Mike Sarr and Shirin Towfigh, as they explore the bailout options and operative considerations. A bit of thought now may save the night later!
Moderators: Drs. Carrie Valdez and Dave Morris
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Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infections - Podcast #80
- 04/26/2017
Join us for an in depth discussion of NSTI with Dr. Eileen Bulger, MD, Professor of Surgery at the University of Washington and Chief of Trauma Surgery for Harborview Medical Center and Dr. Rondi Gelbard, MD, upcoming NSTI PMG Team Leader and Assistant Professor of Surgery at Emory University. We discuss the timing of debridement, antibiotic management, role for transfer, HBO and so much more!
Moderated by Drs. Carrie Valdez and Dave Morris
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EAST Town Hall Debate: Laparascopic Lavage for Perforated Diverticulitis - Useful Tool or Full of Stool? - Podcast #72
- 01/06/2017
Listen to the audio from our latest live EAST Town Hall Debate on a current “hot topic” in emergency general surgery, the use of laparoscopic lavage as a minimally invasive and non-resectional intervention for patients who require emergency surgery for perforated diverticulitis. Listen to our experts, Christian Jones and Tejal Brahmbhatt on the “Pro” side and Kevin Schuster and Andrew Bernard on the “Con” side, discuss a recently published meta-analysis and then all of the clinical and technique-related issues surrounding this contentious topic. Moderated by Dave Morris and Matt Martin.
Supplemental Materials:
EAST November Literature Review - including discussion of the meta-analysis:
Angenete E et al. Laparoscopic lavage is superior to colon resection for perforated purulent diverticulitis—a metaanalysis. Int J Colorectal Dis. 2016;(ePub ahead of print)- Listen Download
Small Bowel Obstruction: Utilizing the Gastrografin® Challenge - Podcast #52
- 01/21/2016
In this podcast we discuss small bowel obstruction – a common problem that can be challenging to treat appropriately – with Dr. Martin Zielinski, Associate Professor of Surgery at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. Dr. Zielinski discusses several aspects of small bowel obstruction: which patients need an operation? Which will resolve with time? How long should nonoperative management be attempted before taking a patient to surgery? We also discuss how to utilize the Gastrografin® challenge into the clinical decision making process. The discussion is moderated by Dr. David Morris and Dr. Levi Procter.
Supplemental Materials:
CT image showing small bowel feces sign and article references- Listen Download
EAST Town Hall Debate: Antibiotics-Only vs. Surgery for Acute Appendicitis: The APPAC Trial and Beyond - Podcast #50 - EP
- 12/30/2015
This podcast is the recording of the first inaugural EAST Town Hall Debate session, on the topic of treating patients with an “Antibiotics-only” approach for acute appendicitis versus the standard treatment of surgical appendectomy. This has become a particularly controversial topic recently following publication of the APPAC Trial in JAMA (link to article below). The program started with two teams in a standard debate format, followed by additional expert commentary from two invited guest speakers: Dr. Edward Livingston, Deputy Editor of JAMA and Dr. Elliott Haut, author of an invited commentary on the APPAC Trial. The debate was then opened up to questions and comments from any listener during the live session.
The Foes: EAST Emergency General Surgery Section (Pro Appendectomy) vs. EAST Online Education Section (Pro Antibiotics-only)
Moderated by Dr. Levi Procter
Supplemental Materials:
APPAC Trial - JAMA website. This page also contains links to multiple related commentaries, as well as a podcast interview with the study authors by Dr. Livingston.- Listen Download
The bigger they are... : Tips and Tricks for Managing Complications in Bariatric Surgery Patients - Podcast #42 - EP
- 06/12/2015
An interview with Dr. Matthew Martin, the Trauma Medical Director at Madigan Army Medical Center and one of their core faculty on the Bariatric Surgery Service. Dr. Martin is an active member of the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, and serves as an Associate Editor with Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases. This session is moderated by Dr. Levi Procter, and special guest moderator Dr. Andrew Bernard, who discuss the increasingly common issue of urgent and emergent complications among patients who have had a prior bariatric surgical procedure. The interview covers the initial evaluation and diagnostic workup, operative and nonoperative management strategies, and clinical "pearls" for the acute care surgeon who is faced with one of these challenging scenarios.
Supplementary Materials
Bariatric surgery problems and complications syllabus
ASMBS Poster: Pearls for Emergency Care of the Bariatric Surgery Patient- Listen Download
Surgical Management of Clostridium Difficile Colitis - Podcast #38
- 10/23/2014
Listen to us discuss the surgical management of clostridium difficile colitis with Dr. Paula Ferrada. We tackle surgical and medical therapy based on the best available evidence. See EAST's Online Education session on this topic too.
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Adjunctive Treatment of Abdominal Catastrophes and Sepsis with Direct Peritoneal Resuscitation (DPR): Indication For Use in Acute Care Surgery - Podcast - #35
- 12/27/2013
A discussion with Dr. Jason Smith on the utilization of direct peritoneal resuscitation in the treatment of abdominal catastrophes.
- Listen Download
Outpatient Laparoscopic Appendectomy - Podcast - #34
- 12/22/2013
A discussion with Dr. Richard Frazee, in regards to a successful protocol for outpatient laparoscopic appendectomy in acute appenditics.
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Effects of Obesity in the Care of the Traumatically Injured - Podcast #33
- 11/02/2013
A discussion with Dr. Rob Winfield regarding the effects of obesity in the care of the traumatically injured.
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Complex_Abdominal_Wall_Hernia_Repair - Podcast #31
- 09/01/2013
A discussion with Dr. Khashayar Vaziri regarding repair of complex abdominal wall hernia, use of mesh, and placement techniques.
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Acute Care Surgery and Training Tomorrow's Trauma Surgeon - Podcast #7
- 09/15/2011
A discussion of the current status of the acute care surgery training program, why it is needed, and how to attract future surgeons to this field. Dr. Britt also discusses some the skill sets that the ACS surgeon will need/have, board certification for this field, and integration of this new subspecialty into the surgical community.
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DISCLAIMER: THIS WEBSITE IS NOT INTENDED TO, AND DOES NOT, PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. All health care content available on or through this website is presented by the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma ("EAST") for general informational purposes only and must not be regarded as a substitute for advice, diagnosis or treatment by a professional health care provider. THE EAST DOES NOT RECOMMEND OR ENDORSE, AND DISCLAIMS ALL LIABILITY RELATING TO, any particular products, procedures, opinions or other information presented or referred to on or through this website(including but not limited to the content of any advertisement), except for any statements specifically identified as expressing a policy or position officially approved by EAST.