
Audio interviews addressing upcoming research and its application to the injured patient, education efforts related to trauma, and novel methods in the management of injury.

We want to hear your thoughts and reflections on the content produced by the Educational Resources Committee (e.g., the EAST Traumacasts and the EAST In the Arena podcast).  Send us your feedback.  

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Podcasts Currently Available

EAST Traumacast logo Rural Emergency General Surgery - #156

Created in coordination with the EAST Rural Trauma Committee. Drs. Lauren Dudas and Michal Radomski discuss Emergency General Surgery (EGS) with rural providers Dr. Nicholas Bandy, Dr. Kristin Colling & Dr. Keelin Roche.  Listen to hear about rural practice models, procedures important to become comfortable with as rural providers, a bit about organizing an EGS service, and considerations for pursuing a career in rural surgery.

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EAST Traumacast logo Rural Trauma Care: Part 2 - #147
In this second installment of a three part series, Drs. Lauren Dudas and Lucy Ruangvoravat interview Drs. Carrie Valdez, JR Taylor and Erich Schafer, surgeons at designated level II-IV trauma centers.  Listen as they discuss their trauma system, schedules and their perspectives as rural trauma surgeons.  If you missed part one in the series, check out Traumacast #140!
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EAST Traumacast logo Rural Trauma Care: Part 1 - #140

Dr. Carrie Valdez hosts Drs. Alexandra Briggs, Avi Bhavaraju  and Ashley Meagher on our first Traumacast in our series on Rural Trauma.  Dr. Briggs is the chair of the Rural Trauma Ad Hoc Task Force for EAST.   For this Traumacast, the group focuses on the Level 1 trauma experience supporting our rural trauma centers- what are we doing well and what can we do better?

Rural Trauma Care: Part 2 - Traumacast #147

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